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Recent Publications



Heil, AD., Olaniran, J., Gormally, C., & Brickman, M. (2024). It’s in the syllabus: What syllabi tell us about introductory biology courses. CBE - Life Science Education 23(3), ar37 1-10.


Heil, AD & Lindsay, A. (2024). A framework to analyze learning objectives in marine science education. Current: The Journal of Marine Education 39(1), 12-22. DOI: 10.5334/cjme.92


Heil, AD., Brickman, M., & Gormally, C. (2023). Low-level learning: Leaving behind most students — the non-science majors. Journal of College Science Teaching 52(7), 96-102.


Heil, AD. & Youn-Heil, F. (2023). “Baby Shark, Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo Doo”: Issues of dead marine organisms in a K-12 summer camp. In S. Jeong, L.A. Bryan, D.J. Tippins, C. M. Sexton (Eds), Classroom cases of elementary science teaching and learning - Navigating the challenges and contemplating actions in the 21st century. Springer. Book.


Gormally, C. & Heil, AD. (2022). A vision for university biology education for non-science majors. CBE-Life Science Education, 21(4), es51-9.


Granneman, J., Baxley, C., Bollinger, M., Heil, AD., LeGanke, M., Levine, E., Pearson, W., Pudlak, E., Williams, K., & Gandy, R. (2021). Evaluation of the recreational harvest of bay scallops (Argopecten irradians) in Steinhatchee, Florida. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 13(4), 413-432.


Brooke, S.D., Watts, M.W., Heil, AD., Rhode, M., Mienis, F., Duineveld, G.C.A., Davies, A.J. & Ross, S.W. (2017). Distributions and habitat associations of deep-water corals in Norfolk and Baltimore Canyons, Mid-Atlantic Bight, USA. Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 137, 131-147.


Publications in Review


Lahiri, S., Heil, AD., Daniels, A., Gormally, C., & Brickman, M. (in review). Crafting a biology course for non-majors: Personas help delineate faculty decision making. CBE-Life Science Education.


Henley, J., Lin, M., Heil, AD., & Atwater, M. (revise and resubmit). Establishing a science education

assessment instrument - paper-format Implicit Association Test for Black and Latinx names. Research in Science Education.


Publications in Preparation


Heil, AD, Gallagher, H., & Kittleson, J. (in preparation). Uncovering how a college instructor led science majors to write using a situated learning perspective. Journal of Research in Science Teaching.


Heil, AD. & Baker, A. (in preparation). Goliath grouper case study: To catch or not to catch. CourseSource.


Heil, AD & Kittleson, J. (in preparation). It’s complicated:  A qualitative study exploring how students learn to write research in their discipline. Science Education.

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